Let's Talk Ten
Dan Fisher and his guests come up with Top Ten lists relating to pop culture --Movies/TV/Music/Etc. -- and then they compare notes.
"Winning" arguments over what's the "best" is never the point. It's just people talking about the stuff they love and why they love it. Sometimes the conversation is silly, sometimes it's deeply personal -- as long as it's entertaining, it goes where it goes.
Each "Let's Talk Ten" will cover a fresh topic (horror movies, debut albums, TV kids' shows) with a different guest. There are no scripts and lists are not shared beforehand.
Episodes will drop every two weeks, on Mondays.
Let's Talk Ten
EP. #40 – (MORE) MOVIES I LOVED WHEN I WAS A KID with Danny Peary
One of Dan’s all-time favorite film critics, DANNY PEARY (“Cult Movies”) joins him to talk about a subject dear to both of their hearts: the movies they first watched – and loved – while in their respective youths.
The conversation spans eras, nations, and genres – from classic westerns to goofball comedies -- with fond recollections of Saturday afternoons spent at the local movie houses and late Saturday nights struggling to stay awake for the creature double-feature on TV’s Chiller Theater.
Plentifully stocked with memorable music and amazing clips, this one is fun for film fanatics of all ages.